Vung Vieng is known as a small fishing village located in the center of Bai Tu Long Bay, 24 km from the mainland. The villages is home to 300 residents approximately, all inhabitants have lived here for generations, and attached their whole life to fishing.
Coming to Vung Vieng fishing village, you will have the chance to enjoy a quiet and peaceful place with beautiful surroundings. It is a sweet spot to learn more about the traditional culture of fishermen living around the Bay, seeing them sailing, pulling & dropping net off and fishing.
Thanks to the development of tourism, local people can earn extra income. However the poor living hasn’t ended yet. Some travel companies have supported the village to build one classroom and one small room for teachers so most of children can go to “floating school” to study. Travellers going here can see the happiness on the children’s face on the way to shool and the friendliness and helpfulness of fishermen.
In order to explore the life of local people, a small kayak or rowing boat can also take you to the village. Their floating houses can be easily found out from far distance. You will be definitely surprised when seeing this small village with only ten pretty floating houses in which every activities of the daily life or important event of the village happen while bobbing in the middle of the bay. The well- off families even fit up more some facilities like: TV, radios, tables, etc. The community house is in the centre of the village where villagers come to have meetings. Here is also the place for tourist to stopover to buy some traditional hand made products.